Visit Grand Palace in Bangkok Tour

Visit Grand Palace in Bangkok Tour

As the sun sets, the golden pagodas illuminate the city of Bangkok. A visit to Thailand’s capital without paying a visit to the Grand Palace is similar to that of not visiting Taj Mahal when in Agra. Tucked in the walled-in complex, the Grand Palace is a famous attraction that draws tourists from every corner.                                                   Located on the bank of River Chao Phraya, the complex houses a series of halls, pavilions, wats and other buildings intermixed with sprawlinglawns, impressive courtyards and lustrous gardens. It offers a picturesque setting, perfect to take stunning photographs. The famous attraction in the vicinity is the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, it is located to the left as soon as you enter from the main Visetchaisri Gate.

Grand Palace Layout and Orientation

The palace complex, like the rest of Ratanakosin Island, is laid very similar to the palaces of Ayutthaya, the glorious former capital of Siam which was raided by the Burmese. The Outer Court, near the entrance, used to house government departments in which the King was directly involved, such as civil administration, the army and the treasury.

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The Temple of the Emerald Buddha is located in one corner of this outer court. The Central Court is where the residence of the King and halls used for conducting state business were located. Only two of the throne halls are open to the public, but you’ll be able to marvel at the exquisite detail on the facades of these impressive structures. The Inner Court is where the King’s royal consorts and daughters lived. The Inner Court was like a small city entirely populated by women and boys under the age of puberty. Even though no royalty currently reside in the inner court, it is still completely closed off to the public.

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